Thursday, July 12, 2012

Let's Practice Stress Management!


Effective time management is just one of many ways to keep from succumbing to stress overload. Here is a list of some other methods of stress management that you might want to experiment with to see what works best for your particular situation.

  1. Associate with people whom you enjoy and who support you.
  2. Learn and practice relaxation or meditation skills.
  3. Engage in a vigorous physical exercise that is convenient and pleasurable. Sometimes it helps to get a friend to exercise with you.
  4. Don't let one thing dominate you, such as school work, relationships, jobs, sports, etc.
  5. View life as challenges to seek, not obstacles to avoid.
  6. Take responsibility for your life and your feelings, but never blame yourself.
  7. Maintain a reasonable diet and sane sleep habits.
  8. Avoid the use of sleeping pills, tranquilizers, and other drugs to control stress.
  9. Protect your personal freedoms and space. Do what you want and feel, but respect the rights of others. Don't tell others what to do, but if they intrude, let them know.
  10. Find a time and place each day where you can have complete privacy. Take time off from others and pressures. Short time-outs during the day can help improve efficient functioning the rest of the day.
  11. Don't drift along in troublesome and stressful situations or relationships. Take action to change rather than trying to avoid the problem. Taking chances is the key to emotional well-being.
  12. Surround yourself with cues from positive thoughts and relaxation.
  13. Review your obligations from time to time and make sure they are still good for you. If they're not, let them go.
  14. Open yourself to new experiences. Try new things, new foods, new places.

When worries start to build up, talk to someone :)

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